With whom you spending your time?


Time is the biggest asset you have, and how you spend it, will determine your future health, prosperity, and well-being in life.

Today, many young people and adults suffer from depression and anxiety, and one of the reasons is that they don’t have the life they want. To prevent yourself from falling into such a dark hole, you must make smart decisions in your youth. These decisions will enable you to have a happy and healthy life. One of the decisions about which you must be extremely careful is with whom you spend the time. For example, pay attention with whom you are in a relationship. Remember, not many people deserve your time, care, and hustle. Many boyfriends will use you just to get one thing. Many girls will use you to take them to bars, restaurants, travel trips, etc. And no, I’m not talking about gold diggers. I’m talking about people who just ”fully lived” their life at 18 or 20 and they don’t care about anything else anymore, and all they want is to you help them to travel more or have more fun, but in reality, they don’t care about you at all. Why I’m saying this you may ask.

The truth is that even those who swear that they love you and you think are worth your time, actually are wolves in sheepskin.

Just think of Lord Jesus Christ and the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Ceaser.

One of Jesus’s Apostles, Judah, betrayed him for just 30 silver coins. He betrayed God, he condemned an innocent man to death. And do you know how Judah betrayed Lord Jesus Christ? With a kiss on His cheek. Brute, who was a statesman in the Roman Empire, a loyal and ”faithful” friend and servant to the Roman Emperor Caesar, who gave him great power, was one of the assassins who stabbed him with a knife in the back during the assassination. So, why do you think someone won’t betray you? Why do you think the owner of the company in which you are working, won’t fire you and replace you after 1-2 months with a new guy? Why do you think you are so special to someone with whom you are in a relationship? What kind of sacrifice or act of love he or she did for you? I’m not talking about buying cheap things like bears, candy, sandwiches, etc. I’m sure that you can afford that by yourself too. I’m talking about time. When you were sad, did he or she cry with you? Spending hours trying to help you and listening to you? Did the owner of the company have an understanding of your urgent situations in life? Did he award you for your hustles?

Of course, some people are always there for you. They help you when you are sad, sick, broke, etc. It doesn’t mean that every person is a wolf. There are boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, and friends who can give their lives for you. There are companies in which the owners are there to support you for anything, reward you, or appreciate your work. However, in this world of ego, where personal interest or personal pleasure is the number one priority, not many people are like that.

Remember, life it’s like a soccer match. It has two halves, and if you don’t hustle in the first half, you will suffer in the second one.

So, choose wisely with whom and for whom you give your most valuable asset – your time.

You have only one life and one chance, don’t ruin it.




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